This little program supports a number of command line arguments. In accordance with http: installation media of Windows 10, including DVD disks and ISO images, comes with the Windows 10 Setup program, or setup.exe. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner. This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. Important: This mod requires BlockLauncher and Minecraft PE! Commands: center cyl edges faces hcyl hollow hpyramid hsphere line move pyramid replace set sphere stack undo walls wand DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Then use the move command (move ) to move it.

Begin by using the wand tool to select the area. Another really useful command is the move command.

Position 1: Long press the block while holding the wand Position 2: Tap (short) on the block while holding the wand Once you have selected the area then you can use a bunch of different commands depending on what you want to do. Select two corners of the structure which you want to edit. You must type wand to get the selection tool though. Most of the commands require that you select two positions first by using the wand which looks like a hoe. The sphere is another type of structure which you can build by using this mod. You can customize the block type and size to your liking. Do you want to build a big Egyptian pyramid? It is simple! Use the hpyramid command to build it. But let’s begin by having a look at some of the ways which you can use this mod in-game.

You can find a full list of commands further down. Using this mod, you will get access to dozens of commands and a selection tool which you can use to both edit the world around you as well as add new items to it. WorldEdit mod is an extremely useful tool suited specifically for people who want to build magnificent creations in Minecraft Pocket Edition more efficiently.